
How do I use a Promo Code?

If you’ve received a promo code from us, you can add it to your account in advance using the app or at the checkout stage on our website. Information on how to do this is included below.

Promo codes can only be used on parking spaces reserved in advance and can't be used on public sector car parks. Some others are run by parking operators where you pay for parking as you arrive (specifically Local Authority, Department for Infrastructure, Operators, University and Hospital parking). Other exclusions may apply including Durdle Door, West Mersea Marine and Pen Y Pass/Snowdonia.

Please note that a promo code cannot be added after your booking has been made.

If you are making a long-term or monthly rolling booking, please be aware that any promo code you use will only provide a discount on the cost of the first month.


Website Apps
  1. Once you have confirmed your booking, you will arrive at the payment screen
  2. This will show you the total price for your booking. Please click on the option to the right of this which says ‘Promo Code?’
  3. Enter the Promo Code into the box and your discount will be automatically applied to the total price
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