
How do I cancel my upcoming booking?

You can cancel a booking before it has started and in line with our cancellation policy.

How to cancel a booking

Website App
  1. Select My bookings
  2. Click on the relevant booking
  3. Select Cancel booking, provide the reason you are cancelling and click Continue

Please do this as soon as possible so that we can free up space for other drivers.

It can take up to 10 working days to receive your refund, depending on your bank. 

For pre-booked parking, the amount we can refund you will depend on the length of your booking and how far in advance you make the cancellation request. See our cancellation policy. 

For drive-up bookings (made when you arrive at the car park) there is a no refund policy as the parking session is already underway.

If you're seeking a refund after the booking finished because something went wrong, please see our article on requesting a refund.

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