Local Authority Parking

How do I amend my notification preferences?

To amend your Communication Preferences, please visit JustPark on the desktop. Go to My Profile, and scroll down to Communication Settings. Here, you can manage your pre-book and cashless SMS notifications. You can also view how we use your data (under data preferences) and amend your marketing preferences. 

On the app, you can view how we use your data (under data preferences) and amend your marketing preferences. This is accessed by visiting the menu > My Account > Data Preferences. 

Please note, SMS fees may apply to cashless/pay by phone bookings in Operator and Local Authority locations. Please see instructional signage in the car park for more details. 

All push notifications are sent free of charge. If you are not receiving push notifications and would like to, please look at your notification settings for JustPark in your phone’s settings.

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